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Team Smallville

Christopher Wietrick, Casey McNeely and Ben Eisiminger

What more can be said, other than..."We are a trio of SUPER fanboys."  All three of us grew up in Hutchinson, Kansas (majority of our lives).  We are, obviously, fans of the cape, comics and geek culture.  We are all artists of some form.  We chose to use our hometown as the canvas.


It all started in the summer of 2012.  We spent a week relaxing pool side, by the fire and talking comics/movies/tv/music/whatever.  The idea came up that our hometown had several similarities to the fictional, Smallville, as portrayed in the series on CW.  We found more than a few comparisons, fairly quickly, and started a Facebook Page to share our case to make Smallville a reality. 


An original comic was created, depicting the similarities between the two towns.  We began representing our cause and sharing our facts at Third Thursday (a monthly art/music/charity event). Before we knew it, we had our own "Lois Lane" at the local newspaper, who wrote several stories about our cause.  An appearance in the Hutchinson Magazine, a few television news interviews and the internet had us flying.  Within a week, our page soared above 2,000 likes, including fans from every corner of the planet.


We have been honored to have appeared on a few podcasts, worked with the Kansas Hall of Fame earlier this year (Clark Kent/Superman was inducted in June of 2013), and take a bigger role in the, always popular, Third Thursdays.  In May, 2013, Third Thursday was dubbed "Third Thursday in Smallville" and there was Smallville references all over town, including food and drink specials, kryptonite jewelry, original art and a costume contest.  This event was well received and convinced us to move forward with our mission. 


In June, we attended the Hutchinson city council meeting and spoke to the mayor and the members about our cause.  Our request: Be the first Kansas town to officially proclaim to be Smallville.  The vote passed 5-0 and on June 21, 2013, Hutchinson became "Smallville, KS - The Home of Clark Kent" for one day. 


For's forever.  In the beginning, we realized we had a lofty goal.  But, in the spirit of Superman...we stood up for our belief and moved forward, believing anything was possible.  And, that's exactly what we want our small, Kansas town to represent.  Big ideas can come from the smallest places and people.  So, in that spirit...


It is our ongoing mission to promote our town as "The Home of Clark Kent".  We believe this can greatly boost our city's economy, tourism and inspire.  In the series, Jonathan Kent tells his son to, "Always hold on to Smallville".  We want to do just that. 


Since we've achieved our goal of being recognized as Smallville, Kansas, our next project is already underway: the planning of the first "Smallville, Kansas Festival", in June, 2014.  Watch our site for details, as they become available.



"I'm from Kansas.  I'm about as American as it gets."  -Superman in Man of Steel



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